Friday, December 28, 2007

Victoria Frances

The Artist

one of my favorites. I love art that gives me chills

Friday, December 7, 2007


by Hannes Broecker

People coming to see the exhibit can pick up a cup and drink from the actual piece.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


This is a movie my group in 2D design made. It's made of all stills. I'm pretty happy with it, i just wish more of my own ideas were put into the movie. I'm making one on my own just for fun.


Friday, November 30, 2007

First post!

ok, i created this website because i needed a place to store my art work and whatever else.

I'm taking figure drawing next semester and i'm a litle bit nervous. The drawing teacher i have now pretty much keeps telling me my drawings are crap just because i don't have the same style as her. I'm not going to name names, i just know i gotta do better in this drawing class. I'm practicing eyes and other facial features right now because those are the hardest for me to draw. here are some eyes.

-Graphite on paper
